Thursday, January 11, 2018

Got Gum? Run Gum review

Welcome to the blog, today I tried a new product called Run Gum. I received free samples, but had to pay S&H, so it was somewhat free. Anyway, that fact did not influence this review.

 I received 3 flavors and tried the Mint this morning. The package contains 2 pieces of gum and each one is about the size of a nickel and slightly thicker. The taste starts off like an energy drink, and after chewing for a few minutes you can taste the mint so it's not too bad.

 After about 15 minutes the gum starts to get that stale feel and your ready to spit it out. Since I was running and didn't want to spit it out on the road I just tucked it between my gums and lip and kept going until I found a trash can.

Did I feel anything? I had one piece which is about the equivalent of a soft drink, so I did feel a little like I had more energy. I will have to try with 2 pieces and see if there a noticeable difference, but from first impression I would Run Gum
a shot. It will not replace an energy gel during a half or full, but at the start of a race could give that little boost your looking for.
back of package

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