Wednesday, February 28, 2018

2 weeks out and looking at a PR

Hey everyone, Ben here and lets talk about weather stalking and setting a PR at the Rock n Roll DC Marathon. As a Bib Rave Pro I was asked to write a blog post about Athlinks.Com so we will talk some about them also. I was also selected to run the Rock n Roll Marathon as a rep of Bib Rave for free. For more info about Bib Rave and being an ambassador go here.

So the marathon is about 2 weeks out and I have started checking the 10 day forecast twice a day. It has gone from 30's and snow/rain to 30's and partly cloudy. I'm really hoping for the latter, as I hate wet socks. Most people will tell you that you should have everything locked down as far as race day wear is concerned, but things change. I do agree with not buying anything new for race day without testing it. I will admit I do get a new pair of socks before a big race, but they are the brand and model I already wear.

You know, I dislike 2 things about running, tight socks or wet ones. I'm just that way. So back to the weather. I know I'm wearing shorts and calf sleeves. As for the top half it's either a shirt and gloves or singlet and arm warmers. I'm still not sure.

Time to check the weather again. It's warmed a few degrees and will be mostly sunny. Do I wear a hat or shades and a buff? I'll decide next week.

So on to the PR section. I've been running for 7 years now and started using Athlinks when our local RRCA chapter began posting results to the site. I signed up and started finding my races, and other people with the same name in Europe. Don't worry I didn't claim those. The funny thing about this marathon is it will be the first since 2014 that I'm not a pacer so I'm looking to PR. Looking at my Personal Records on Athlinks I see that 4:46:56 is my current PR for the marathon. I'm shooting to finish under 4 hours this time and get a new number on the board.
 My trail marathon was actually my first marathon ever. I know how to pick a tough one. I do see one thing on this. The race that is listed as my 5k PR was actually a 4k but still credited as a 5k.

Looks like I have to email Athlinks about changing that. Good thing they have great service and can help you with most anything.

Except the weather.

Lace up and go running...

Ben W

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